OCTOBER 23 - 27, 2024


Join us for 4 days in the Florida sunshine where you’ll experience rest, rejuvenation and breakthrough with a sisterhood of like-minded women! We'll quiet the noise, commune with God, experience masterclass sessions and personalized mentorship so you can become satisfied to overflowing with God's presence again!

There is a thriving, confident and peace-filled life that God is calling you deeper into. 

Does this sound familiar?

You're ready for a reset. You sense God is drawing you close again and that He wants to guide you forward in peace and joy, but you find yourself hitting roadblocks.

Weariness and lies have become this underlying cycle you're just trying to get through. You're tired emotionally from always praying for the same things, and you wonder if God is inviting you to a greater perspective.

You want to learn what it means to be truly satisfied in God, confident in who He is and how to feel loved by Him. 

Because life is turning out different than you expected. Or maybe you're in a season of transition.

Here's the truth:

God is inviting you to be refreshed.

To be stirred to the curiosity of what He is up to in your life. We want to help you step into that with a posture of HOPE, intentionality and childlike faith.

If you're longing for a renewed peace and communion with God and to make some new friends as you quiet the noise and experience soul rest… 

This Retreat is just for you!

We're here to tell you that God sees you and He has JOY, breakthrough and intentionality for you to walk in!



Every day we will have time carved out for walks on the beach, christian yoga or some type of movement to help you feel your best while you soak up that Florida sunshine! There will also be lots of free time to reflect, play and rest. Our trained chef will prepare gorgeous, high quality, healthy and delicious meals to top it off!



Strangers always leave SISTERS at our Retreats. You’ll get to make new friends, and you can trust that you will be surrounded by an amazing group of like-minded Christian women who are there to laugh with, love and support you as you grow through this experience.



Through journal prompts, teaching sessions, prayer and intentional conversations, you'll experience breakthrough, learn how to live an intentional life of purpose, find peace again to take next steps in your season and see God do what only He can.



To cap things off, we'll have our signature Dream Dinner to celebrate and give voice to those God-sized prayers and remember what's possible in light of who He is.

"Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us." 

Ephesians 3:20

retreat leader

Lanissa Spoon

Lanissa is an author, speaker and founder of Becoming Ministries. For over 10 years her passion has been to empower women who feel distracted to live a life where they are deeply and daily connected to God. Through speaking engagements, her Becoming Membership and Online community she creates resources that help women live an intentional life turned toward God and intimacy with Him. 

With a heart for gathering women and spiritually mentoring them, Lanissa teaches God’s Word in a way that creates space for you to encounter His presence and leave with confident next steps!

You'll leave..

with a renewed confidence in who your God is, having encountered Him in a rejuvinating way that offers you sustained peace and a tailored vision for taking your next steps with courage. 

What's Included

- Housing in a beautiful, high-end, beach front home in a quiet area

- Unique teaching sessions on topics such as: communing with God, creating healthy rhythms, living a intentional life of saying yes to God, taking God up on creativity etc.

- Healthy, high-quality delicious meals prepared by a trained chef (all meals included)

- One-on-one 45-minute mentorship session with Lanissa as a qualified mentor

- Welcome bag full of curated and intentional gifts

- Time to connect with a community of like-minded women

- Worship and journal prompts

- Transportation to and from local airports

- Signature Dream Dinner

- Plenty of time to enjoy undistracted rest & sunshine

Retreat Details



Amelia Island, Florida 

October 23rd-27th 



$975 per person 

Includes beach front housing, all meals, all teachings, 1-on-1 mentorship session and transportation to and from the airport


$350 non-refundable deposit required to save your spot


Please do not let the cost keep you from attending! Payment plans are available!




Women in their 20s and 30s longing to experience the fullness of life with the Lord

Are you ready to enjoy sunshine, feel refreshed in the Lord and make new friends?


Located beach front in our favorite beach town, this 4 bedroom home will take your breath away with endless unobstructed views of the ocean and everything needed for a refreshing weekend away. Located only 35 minutes from the Jacksonville airport (we will coordinate transportation to and from the airport), it’s easy to get to, but will feel like you just stepped into a beachy dream.

We’ll be having all of our meals prepared in house by a trained chef, so there’s no need to leave our peaceful oasis!


How many people will be at this retreat?

We want this to be an intimate retreat experience and have limited the size to 12 including Lanissa. Outside of that you'll likely see some friendly faces helping with photography and food. 

What are the sleeping arrangements? 

Each room has a King or Queen bed(s) to be shared comfortably. We will pair you with mindfulness and any requests you have! 

What kind of food can I expect? 

We're known for our service! We'll have high quality, healthy and delicious food options for you prepared by our trained chef who can meet any dietary needs you have! 

What should I bring with me?

After securing your spot, we will send you all the details for your retreat away! But think comfy clothes, a water bottle and your Bible!

Who can I contact with questions?

Have a question? We would love to help you! Contact us at

What if I don't know anyone?

No worries at all! We're already planning ways to make it a warm and welcoming experience. And it's truly a great way to come and be expectant for what the Lord has for you! 

It's time to invest in a life of adventure with

 the Lord and take the next step in what He has for you

kind words about our refresh retreat

“The weight of life is heavy, but Jesus calls us to lay it at His feet. I didn’t know how. The Refresh Retreat didn’t erase any of those experiences I held so tightly; but in that week, God restored, refreshed, and healed my heart. I am forever grateful for Lanissa providing us an uplifting space to grow, dream, and rest, for the Truths and encouragement they led us with daily- the list is truly endless. God moved and FREEDOM feels so so good! .”

—Tiffany H. 


"This retreat was a safe space for us to dream and share those dreams with each other, to cry and share our struggles, to freely and fully be our authentic selves. God showed up for each of us. I still can't get over the fact we arrived as strangers and left as sisters. I knew friendships would be formed here, but the depth of love and connection I feel for each woman is beyond what I had imagined.

I could not ever thank you all enough."


—Lizzie C.

"This retreat was so incredibly special and so Holy Spirit filled. At so many moments throughout the week, I felt the nudge of the Holy Spirit like, “Pay attention to this moment, because this is a special, holy time”. And it was just that. It was such an intentional time to be encouraged, poured into, and to have FUN. As an introvert, I never once felt awkward or uncomfortable. I immediately felt welcomed & “at home”. I came away feeling equipped & lighter to move forward boldly in where God is calling me."

—Merritt J.

“This might be fun" turned out to be the biggest understatement of my life. The restored hope and freedom I found was well beyond ANYTHING I imagined. This was the most pure, beautiful, freeing, eye-opening experience of my life. Truly. I can breathe again and feel true peace knowing God goes before me. I no longer feel anxious or rushed through life. It was truly magical." 

—Amber C.

Feeling a nudge to come but a little nervous? Don't forget the best things come from getting out of our comfort zones! We're a safe space 🤍